Wednesday, August 31, 2005
And for todaE’s spOrts aRtiCLe..
hE’S bACk, oN fire aND with sOmetHinG tO pRovE..
the highly rAtEd wingEr [jOn4tHaN] pLAyed a 3-3 gAme todAE at the bEtwEen tower 5 and 4 field. With two youngsters on his side. He did played his heart out to score as many as his other counterparts could. Well with 3 sec 3 guys playing against him with 2 primary skOoL kids on his side. The opponents drew first blood from the winger’s team. And the second goal also came from the other end. So he took the ball and dribbled past the other two players and slammed the ball into the drain [which happens to be behind the goal means he scored]. He knew that it was going to be a hard daE’s wOrk at the office at the end of the daE. sOon gOaLS were fLoOding hiS goal. frustrated, hE thought of combinations to get past the whole team again to score. Riquleme’S tUrN. The move the he already thought of making his own until he saw riquelme doing the same turn as he tought ofF. Dribbling the ball, he meet his opponent. One thing in mind only. Humiliation. The ultimate humiliation. The panna. By letting the ball go through your opponent’s legs. So as he turned to position himself, he focused on the trick and unleashed the turn. aS the ball rolled through his opponent’s legs, ‘oLe’ came to his mind. Suddenly a load was lifted off his shoulders. Thanking God, he continue dribbling. As he wAs about tO fire another oNe oF hiS tAdemArK tHuNdEroUs sTriKes, the dEfender came back and cLeAr. well tHe winger didn’t wAntEd tO cHaLLeNgE tHe dEfENdER..aFrAiD tHat hE might bREAk hiS oPponEnt’S lEg. With some more fancy footwork and pedaladas, he managed to pull some more back for his team.
hAiZ..wat a day it has been. Piangs. My English really like crap now. How to start to polish it up. Juz watched some more soccer clips. Super nice to watch. I just sit there and woaH~.. damn. Wanna learn all those tricks so can use and then h4h4h4h4.. humiliation..wOohOo!!
hAiz..finALLy LiFe iS cOMiNG bACk tO nOrmaL..i gUeSs..iM tHe sAme oLd cRaPpER..bUt wAt mAde mE tHAt coLd jEstER tHAt i nEvER tHouGHt i woULd be??..mAybE i coULdnT hANdLe tHE roLe oF LeaDErsHiP??..i dUnNo..aNywAy tHAnkS ji4ji4..fOR sCoLdiNg mE..aND eNcOuRAgiNg mE tHouGH u'LL LiKe nEvER nOe cOz u dONt rEad mY bLoG cOZ u dONt nOe i hAF a bLOg coZ i didNt tOLd u i hAF a bLoG..oOkiE..this is getting lame..signs of the old jester coming back..hmmm..cant wait for the old me to be back..that means oso to sleep soccer like mad..haf fun devotion everyday!! to pPL wiThoUT geTtiNg pissed..smiLE=)..joke..make ppl smiLe..make pPL LaUgh..dont make ppl cry liao..and watch soccer every sat and man U..coz rareLy can get to watch bArceLoNA!!watch robinho, ronaldinho, robben, hleb, cristiano ronaldo, kaka', shevchenko, zidane and all the other pRo soccer pLayERs make defenders as if they were in a circus..h4h4..yEs!!cANt wAit tO bE tHe mE agaiN!!..
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 1:09 am ]|[
Monday, August 29, 2005
back with a vengence
He is back..
The main title for my sports article todae..
Star striker is back..
after a month long layoff with virus attack, Youth aLiVe star striker Lebbeus has finally played his first match after the virus attack. the flamboyuant striker notch a goal this afternoon which also happerns to be the teams second goal in that match. The youth aLive mEmbers pLayed with the aduLts and the children from region 2. Though the two highly rated wingers jonathan and melvin were on opposite sides, it didn't affect Lebbeus toO much. With the in-form midfield maestro[in the making] xi4o hU4 setting up both the goals, the team controlled the whole game well. The first goal came and went quick. Well the talented jonathan started the move. Which was a pass to the left side of the field where Lebbeus and xi40 hU4 was. Then it all happened in a flash. i called for xi40 hU4 to swiTch fLank[tHe baLL..not hiM]..sO iT was a grounder aNd the baLL didnt roll to my feet..but in front of me. Seeing that there were no small kids to en route to goal, i pulled back my right leg and took 2 steps and whack the ball with a clean contact and less then half his strength towards goal. The 'kEeper was Left stranded as the shoot wAs Like a roCket fLying pAst hiM. then came Leb's goal. Again xi40 hU4 wAs in pOsSesioN of the bal and was in a threatening position to lose the ball but he could also choose to shoot with his left leg. which happens to be his weaker foot but seeing Leb jUZ neXt tO hiM, and in a better position to score, he unselfishly set up lebbeus to finish off the game with a beautifully struck curler into the right of the keeper's post. And the match ended.
wah..todae the family day super fun man!!..h4h4..i did filming wif xide and melvin..h444h4h4..super fun..i did so many nice things and some crappy ones on tape oso..i feeel so good..i juz think that the old jonathan is waiting to be unleashed..h4h4..the pUnk'DpRinCe!!oR jUZ thE cRApPer wiLL bE gOoD..h4h4h..weLL..hAd so muCh fUn tOdAE..oOkiE..i wAnNA sLeEp LiaO lAh..bUT...
wAs so fun lor..really enjoyed myself todae..i think ive changed cause of the lack of soccer..i felt great todae..extremelly good..its been a long time since i played soccer..since the cup..which is like 3-4 weeks agO..damn..cant finish fSp aSsiGnmEnt..coZ gOT sOMe bUg..damn it..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssssssssssssssssssssssss...but finally its almost over..hAiZ..tiREd.. i rEALLy wAN hER tO noE how i fEeL bOut hEr .. bUt i sCArEd siA .. Let tiMe dO iTs jOb ..
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 1:40 am ]|[
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
my laptop got msn virus..dont think that you guys will see me on msn for a longlonglong time liao..haiz..super sianz..the fSp assignment so tough..h4h4..i told eating togo and either use hammer or cook it with fire to make it that it wont be so hard..get it??oH crapped..iM becoMing mOre aNd mOre si4o everyday..aS iN..i tHink iTs wrong or something..cOz..iTs tHE wRonG wAy oF si4o-iNg..yA..h4h4..iVe bEcoME sO LazY..dAmn..sO hArd tO sAve mOney tHeSe fEw dAys..arRRhHgGgHggHHH..
tOdAE wAs THe last lesson of vball..tEAcHer mAde a miStaKE..h4h4..mAde fUn oF sO maNy tHingS tOdAE..tOdAe sUpeR sLAcK lOr..tEAcHEr Let uS rUn oNE rOuNd oNLy..sO gOoD..mY fAvoUriTe..sLAcKiNg dUriNg wArm uPs..h4h4..iM jUZ sO gOoD aT iT..h4h4..thAnkS tO aLL mY vBaLL fREnS..h4h4h..cRAp..tHen the fUnNieSt tHiNg wAs tHAt wHen wE wEre pLAyiNg mAtch tHAt tiMe..h4h4..mY teAm wAs piCkiNg baLL fOR thE oTher tEam iN thE coUrt..then sTepH wEnt tO sErvE[sOrRiE gEr..]sO i toLd dEAn tHAt wHen sHe sErVeS..tHE baLL wiLL gO uPwARdS..i sAiD iT qUitE LoUd lAh..uNtiL sHe coULd hEar..tHEn wHEn iT reaLLy haPpEneD..i teLL U..i LauGh sO mUch Lor..tiLL sHe tHrEAteN tO bEat mE..i rAn aWAy..h4h4..fAst!!fOr thE fiRst tiMe..bUt tHEn whEn tHe mAtCh wAs oVer..i wEnt tO coLLeCt tHe Long LosT vbaLL..wHiCh aLways hApPenS..then sOmeOne cAme ruNniN tOwARdS mE..i tRiEd tO nUtmEg tHAt pErsOn..bUt coULdnT LAh..cOZ hEr LeGS tOo sHoRT..h4h4..tHen sHE kiCkeD mE..oNLy whEn i sAw thOse briGht sHoeLacES then i kNew iT wAs wHo..sTepH..h4h4..kiCke mE..i aLmOst dOdGe thAt kiCk oOkiE??jUZ tHAt i tRiEd tO nUtmEg U..iF nOt wE wouLd bE ruNninG anD pLAyiNG cAtChiNg LAio LOr..h4h4..i'LL mAKe u rUn LiKe si4o..h4h4..
i feel that ive changed..alot..compared to last time..ive changed really alot..reALLy aLot..yA..cRAp..hAiZ..stiLL iN LoVe wiTh fvs..i wAnNA gO thERe..arHHRHgHGhghGhghGH..bUt i fEeL tHAt LiKe iVE gOt a bOnd wiTh mY cLaSs nOw..yA..LoVe mOSt oF tHem..soMe aNimAl aNd *sHakeS hAnd iN fROnt oF hEAd*..hAiz..reALLy cANt bEAr tO LoSe tHem..evEn iF i cAn cHAngE cOuRse..nOw..i dUnNo whetHer tO cHAnGe..wiLL i hAve tHe sAme cRaZy fREnS tHEre..cOZ..iM LiKe sO cRAzY nOw..iF i dOnt hAvE tHeSe cRaZy fReNs..i cAnt sTAnd thAt extRA 3 yEaRs oF bOreD-ERiSm..tHEn i woULd hAVe tO gO fOr sNw agaiN..h4h4..mAybE..hMMm...
oOkiE..sO nO mOoD tO bLoG LiAo..cOz oF tHE viRuS..dAmn..hAiZ..=
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 11:52 pm ]|[
Saturday, August 20, 2005

cAnt bELiEvE tHAt i hAf sO cUte cLaSsmAte..tHAnK God tHAt iM sO bLeSsEd bY hiM..yEaH..fEeLiNgs sO mUcH bEtTer aFtER aTteNdiNg ceLL tHiS wEeK..yEaH..aLL oF u mAdE mY dAy..iN sOme wAy oR aNOtHer..thE diNNeR wiF bOo cHiNgZzZ aNd si[4]o hUa..thEn tHE bUs riDe wiF tHeM aNd jiAjiA..h4hA..hAd fUn iN tHE bUS..mAde mE sMiLe..tHen[4]o hUa LeAd..hE tHoUgHT tHAt hE iS sOme hiLLsONg LeAd siNgER cUm gUitAriSt..hAh4..u sHoULd hAf sEen tHAt cLoWn..eVerYtHiNG iS faLLiNg baCk iNtO pLACe sLoWLy..fEeL sO bLeSsEd wiF tHE cLaSsmAtEs that i aM giVen..bUt wHen i mAn4gE tO cHAnGe mY cOuRse nExt yEAr..[wAt iM pLANniNG tO dO]..tO fSv..yA..i wAnNA tHaNk y'aLL fRom tHe bOtToM oF mY hEaRT..yA..fOr aLL tHe mEmoRiEs tHAt u gUys hAd giVen tO mE..LoVe 1t01..y'aLL rOck..rEaLLy..
wHen thEn wE cAn sTaRT tO pLaN bOut THe mOviE tHAt wE aRE tHiNkiNg oF mAkiNG..fOr nExt yEarS yOutH aNni??..i wAnNA aSk pAstoR raCheL fiRst..yA..cOme'oN cHriS..jErRey..meL..eD..yANg..bRiaN..mArC..aArOn cHua aNd Low..si4o hUA..we cAn dO tHiS..wE jUZ hAf tO puT oUr aCt tOgEtHer aND gEt sOme mOre iNsPirAtiON aND mOtiVatiOn..tHEn wE cAn mAke oUr oWn t-sHiRT oSo..yA..LetS mAKe a 40-45miNs mOviE..yEaH~
iTS LiKE sO cRAp lOr..yA..hAhA..i wAnNA wRiTe sOngS lEH..rEgGAe sTLye..hAHA..miSs jAmMiNg wiF eDwArd aND yANg..cANt jAm tMr cOz aAroN uSinG thE aUdi..hAiz..aHHhHhhHhh..siAnz..i wANt tO kNow u..i wAnt tO hEAr uR vOiCe..i wANt tO kNow u mOrE..i wANt tO tOuCh yOu..i wANt tO seE yOur fACe..i wANt tO kNow yOU mOre..
*mOre aND mOre!!*
wOoHoO~iM gOiNg tO cHuRch cAmp tHis yEAr nO mAtTer wAt iS gOiNg tO hApPen..iM gOiNg tO sErEmbAn fOr cHuRCh cAmp!!yEAH~..hERe wE cOme..tHe bRudDerZzZ oF bEtHeL aSseMbLy oF gOd yOutH aLiVE!!!..yEA!!..
tOdAy i hAd a fUn dAy iN sKoOL..hAHA..tHAnkS cAshoNe..tAkiNG tHE piCs..hAHA..sO niCe..i cAn sEnd tO u iF u wAn..hAHa..bUt i dUn hAF aLL oF thEM..OoKiE..i tHinK thAtS aLL i wAnt tO sAY fOr tOdAy..bYebYE..=)
u jUzt hAVe tO dO 3S evErydAy..sHiNe..sMiLe..sPeAk..siMpLe yEt hARd tO dO..iSnt iT??. . . . . .
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 1:52 am ]|[
Thursday, August 18, 2005
the day after the proje[c]t nitE..
went home like at 6.30..then went home for sleep part 2..haha..i slept till 3in the afternoon..then the joke of the day came..haha..meL aSk me to LoOk for him..then he sit there and listen till sianz liao..then we went to go and visit haDLey..bUt wHen wE reach there then i realised that i dunno wat block that she i msged aAron..then we like mian qiang go there..[he/meLvin]..then aArOn rEpLiEd thAt sHe discharged liao..wAh..i sO hEArt pAin siA..gO aLL thE wAy tHEre thEn teLL mE thAT sHe diScHarGed LiAo..hAiz
Tell me again (Tell me again, my baby),That we'll be Lovers and Friends (Ohh, I gotta know, baby, aw yeah)Tell me again (Make sho' you right, ohh, before we leave),That we'll be Lovers and Friends (Ohh, it's a good look, baby)...hAiZ..
i rEaLLy dUnNo wHetHer i hAF mOvEd oN fRoM wAt hAd hApPen tO uS..diD sOme tHiNkiNg thE pAST fEw dAYs..couldnt be the normal me again..i want to be that me again..i really dunno..i wanna be the one that cares for u..let my shoulder be ur cry lean on..want u to come to me in times of need..but..i dunno whether that day will ever come..wX'S niC iS sO trUe lor.."mEmOriES aRe tReaSuReS nO oNe cAn sTeaL..bUt pARtiNg aRE hEaRtaChEs nO oNe cAn hEaL"..
dAmn..gOt sO mANy tHinGs tO dO..hAF tO hANd iN mY rEFLeCtiONs aNd pErsOnaL tEstimOnY fOr tMr..cRAP..hAiz..iM LiKe sWitChing songs even b4 they so sianz that i dun wanna blog liao lah..bYebYe bLog..
tHe hUrTs of tHe pUnK'DjEstEr....*s[4]d*
-~+'=[mEmOriES aRe tReaSuReS nO oNe cAn sTeaL..bUt pARtiNg aRE hEaRtaChEs nO oNe cAn hEaL]='+~-
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 10:48 pm ]|[
thr project nitE..
wat a day it has turned out to be..much better than many other normal days..dont haf to go to skool tmr coz mr tan gave us the day some way or another..well..stucked in william's house to do wP proJect..its like bout 2.45..and we are still doing the project..all of then say that they wanna pia and taunt the nitE de..but theN pW sLepT fOr 30 mins..wif ouT cLosinG hER eYes..she was toO sCarEd..tHeN fRom mY angLe,eAtiNg iS Like sleeping on the and cashone sitting on the floor doin the other stuff..then william doing the web cool in some way or sitting at the corner so that i can bLog wifoUt anyoNe sAying me..eAtiNg fiNaLLy wAke uP..dAmn..i'M oSo faLLing aSLeEp..yA..wAh..cAshoNe sO fOcuSeD aGaiN..fOr the tHrD tiMe iN thiS yEAr..siNce i noe him..haha..always smiling and laughing..the day was really an exciting one..but at least that i got through the day wif easy..pW jUZ aSkeD mE a dUmB qNs..wHEthEr wAt dOeS cArs pRodUcE wHen tHey mOve..sHe aSkeD wHethEr iS cArbON diOxiDe..wHen iTs LiKe cArbON mOnOxiDe..haha..thEn sHe aSk hOw tO prEveNt tOo mUch oF tHeSe hArmfuL gASeS fRom bEiNg eXpoSeD iN tO tHE aiR..i toLd hEr thAt sHE cAn fiX a fiLtER tHEn cOvER tHE eXhUaSt piPe wiF a pLaStiC bAg aND tHEn bReAtHE iNtO iT..haha..then moSt oF uS LauGh fOR aFtER dUnNo hOW LoNg..wAH..i fEel LiKe sLEEpiNg alrEAdy..bUt hAF tO stAnd bY mY gRoUp..hAD dOne LoAds oF tHinKiNG tHE pAst fEw dAYs..yA..sO i fEeL gOoD.hAHa..dUmb..sO tiREd..tMr iS LiKe thE LonGeSt dAy eVer..mOrniNg..tRy tO gEt sOMe sLEeP..thEN iN thE aFtErnOoN hAF tO gO aNd mEet meL tHEn gO tO sGh tO sEE hADLeY..thEn iN thE eVeNiNg wiLL bE gOiNg fOr vBaLL tRAiNiNg fOR tHE LiKE oNlY 4tHtiME..sUx ritE??haha...rEaLLy gOT nOtHinG tO wRiTe li4ozZz..tE4Rs oF thE pUnK'djEstER iS nOw sO reaL..aFTER hE hAs LosT hiS tOuCh..iN sO mANy tHinGs..sHit mAN..='
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 2:45 am ]|[
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
one of the longest nites
super sianz..anyway..juz talked finished wif i[4] cant sleep properly again..coz of..yA..u noe..those stuff again..had a nice long chat wif him..ya..though i got skool later..[cos its like 2++in the morning]..i still talktalk wif him..catch up wif him..i wanna haf eyebags for skool later..then very sounds dumb..but..ya..pUnk'DjEstEr wat..what can u expect..then i haf like skool till 5..then got tuition till 9..reach home bout 10++..then will have to nothing again cos i would be too tired to do anything..hAiz..mAny ppL having their owN persOnaL pRoBLems..aNd i also have mine..weLL..LiFE wasn't meant to be a bed of roses..dUn u aGrEe??..but there always have to have someone to be strong and stand firm for their puLL the group tHroUgh..not saying that i fit the bill perfectly..but..someone has to do it..someone has to stand up and speak up..but. . . . .how??thats the biGGest wouLd never leaVe u..imagine me without you..i would be lost and so confused..i wouldn't last a day..i thouGH thAT u wouLd nEver seE mE my nic for today..and maybe for awhile more..days..-[pUnK'djEstEr]-wHy diD tHiNgS hAd 2 tUrNeD oUt tHAt wAy..rEmiNiSiNg BoUt e pASt..rEgReTtiN boUt nOw..cOntEmpLaTiNg bOut e fUtUrE
hAiZ..aLL i waNt iS u..cOs oLy wHeN u arE iN mY LiFE thEn i nOE thAt eVerythiNg hAs chAngEd aNd thAt evErytHinG iS diFferEnt..dAmN..tALkiNg tO jiAjiA aNd cRyiNg aGaiN..y'dAe taGgiNg i[4]n's bLoG i oSo cRiEd..cRap..i duNno wat to do sia..the tears of a pUnK'djeSter iS now sO rEAL..better make this poSt a nice and meaningful one..hAiz..i waNna fiNd thE meAniNg oF LiFe aGAiN..tHis yeAr iS nOthiNg cOmpAreD tO lASt yeArs..i jUZ nEeD a diViNe iNtErveNtiON fRom God's wOndERfuL hAndS..i nOe hE iS gOnNa uSe mE aNd sTreTch mE tO mY LiMiTs anD thEn puLL mE tHrOuGh..aND tHEn eXpANd mY bOundAriEs..LiKe nEvER b4..aAroN aLwAYs sAid thAt hE hAs tHis sTrOng 'fEeLiNg'[i dUnNo hOw tO sAy..aS iN wORd fRom God]tHAt GoD wiLL uSe mE sO miGHtLy..eVErytiMe i sEe aArON..i jUz fEeL sO haPpY..i fEeL hAppY fOr gRAcE,cHLoE aNd gAbriEL..mAn.thEy arE LiKe so bLeSseD wiF tHAt mAn tO LEAd tHEiR hOusEhoLd..i wAN sOMedAy thAt sOmeoNe cAn sAy thE sAMe tHinG tO mE..i dUnNo..i gIt thiS sTroNg pAsSiOn fOr tHe meDia,sOunD aND pRodUctiOns fOR cHuRcH..mAybE sOcCer wASnt thE tHing tO aTtRACt yOuThs tO cHuRch..iT wAs..pRodUctiOnS..cOS iT cAn reaLLy LeAve aN iMpReSsiON oN sOMeoNe foR a LoNg LoNG tiMe..yA..i jUZ wOndEr..wHether..wE cAn evEr dO wAT i dReaM oF..dReaMs..aNd goALS..sOMetHinG thAt hAven reaLLy hAf fOr tHis yEAr..mAybE iTs tiMe thAt tHeSe dREaMs aNd goALs cOme bACk to whEre thEy bELonG..iN mY hEAd tO mOtiVAtE mYseLf aGAiN..i hAVe bEen so LoSt tHeSe fEw dAys..iTs cOmiNg cLose tO wEeKs..mArtiN aSkeD fRom mE thE sONg oPEn uP tHE gAteS anD i stiLL hAven gOt iT fOR hiM..sOrRiE bRo..iM reaLLy vEry buSy wiF sKoOL sTuFf..pRojEcts aNd aLL..yA..
toDAE wAS thE LaSt dAy oF sNw..sO cRap..bYebYe mS LeOng..i wiLL miSs uR teAChiNg..cAnt gEt tO sEE the pEePs tHAT i mAde fRens wiF tHroUgh vbaLL..LiKe soMe oF thE eCh gERs..y'aLL hAvE bEen a niCe bUncH oF pPL tO bE wiF..aNd i aLso cAn teLL wHy y'aLL cHoSe eCh aS thE coUrSe y'aLL tAke..jokinG lAh..eSp..cRystaL..tHaNks fOr the meMorieS oF tHE iNtER cLaSs..tHEn tO soMe oF thE iCt pEePS..LiKe bAn4NA..tHaNK U fOr tHE mEmoRiES aLsO..tHouGH i rEgRet fOR nOt pLayinG mY hEArt oUt foR tHE fiNALS..eSP iN tHE fiRst sEt..i hOPe thAt tHe pOinT oF thE tOUrnAmenT tHAT wE gOt rEpAid mY tHanKs tO aLL oF u gUYs..tHe sAviNg/diViNg/oVerheAd kiCk tO kiCK thE baLL oVer..yA..sOrRiE..weLL..aLL in aLL i tHiNK thAt i hAdfUn fOr sNw L4H..yA..wiLL misS u gUys..oKiE..hOpe tO mEet y'aLL sOMetiMe aGaiN..
i tHink tHiS iS thE LonGeSt eNtrY tHAt iVe evEr eNtEred..iM LiKe sO tiReD..tHe mOod fOR sLeep iS cOmiNg..i tHinK..sO niTEz..=)
*.:'_0-+=[tOdae is 17 aUg..mY faV nO]=+-0_':.*
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 3:17 am ]|[
Monday, August 15, 2005
tHis poSt iS fOr U mAn..sTriCtLy..
dO u sTiLL rEmEmbEr tHe tiMes wE hAd tOgEthER??..iT reaLLy bReaKs mY hEaRt tO sEe oUr fRensHiP jUz fLusH dOwn kaLLang riVer LiKe tHAt..iTs LiKe..wE'LL nEvER sEE eAcH oTHeR aGaiN..buT i hOpe tHAt oNe dAy wiF mY dREAm gER wALKinG doWn sOMe rOad iN siNgapOrE..wE'LL sEe eAch oTheR..wiF oUr oWn gERs..mAn..
ur 10000 promises that u gave to me.. ur 10000 promises that u promise me..rEmEmbEr tHe tiMes wE tOok 163 tOgeThER??..u rEmEmbER eUgEnE??evErydAy aFtER sOcCer dUriNg rEcEsS hE wouLd bUY a boTTLe oF cOke tO driNk..aH bAoS sUpEr LouD LAUgHtER??LesLie's cRaP..wX;s qUiEtnEsS??..joHNsON'S pERvErsE-nEsS..rOn'S tAo-nEsS..jia miNG's aNd joHnNy'S hiGH piTch LaUghTerS??..zL'S gAy-nEsS??..
i walk a lonely road..the only one that i ever known..dunno where its goes..i walk this empty street of boulevard of broken dreams..u rEmEmbER the tiMEs wE sHArED??thE fUn wE aLWAys hAd aND thE joy wE bRoUghT tO eAch oTher??dAyS wHere u wEre LovE siCk..i sToOd by uR siDe..wHeN u aLwAys nEeDeD sOMe oNE jUZ tO be bY uR siDe..i wiLL aLWAyS sOMe how [bY God iNtERvEntiON] i wAs thEre fOr u..u rEmEmbER thAt sTAtemEnt tHAt u mAdE??
siA Lah bRo..wHy iSsiT thaT wHEn eVer i NeEdeD soMEoNe, u wiLL aLwAys bE thEre fOR mE??uR mY bEst bRo mAN!!"
i sTiLL rEmEmbEr u nOE??..the LeTtER tHAt wE wROtE tO eAch oTHer??iS stiLL iN thE sAme shOe bOX thAt i wiLL nEver tHrOw aWaY..wHEn eVEr mY mUm aSkeD mE tO tHroW aWAY aNy oF mY shOe bOxEs..i wOnt eVen tOuch tHEm..i wouLd jUZ pUt tHem sOMewhErE thAt iTS nOt sO viSibLe..sO thAt my mUm woNt nAgG at mE..coZ thEy rEmiNd mE oF u..
i dream..i can run like the wind ..and be strong..when my heart justs wants to give in..i dream..i can be that hero thats in me..i dream..i dream..u rEmEMbER tHE dAyS whEr wE woULd siT oUtsiDe cHeErs aT bRadDeLL oN tHE LeDgE pRotEctiNg tHE LeTter bOx??i woULd bUy fOr u uR fAv..sOya beAn..thEN i woULd bUy a pAo aNd thE wAnwAn bUbBLe jeLLy dRiNk..thEn wE wouLd taLK noN-stOp..aLL thE cRap aNd LamE sTuFf..aNd sOmetiMe siNgiNG..
hold me now..its hard for me to say iM soRry..i juz want u to stay wif me..and after wat we haf been through..u nOE..u oPen mY eYeS oSo..bOuT aLL thE tHinGs iN thE woRLd..sTUd beLt..pEniNsULa..tApeREd pAntS..meSh cAPs..oSiRiS..sKatE..hAro biKEs..regGaE mUsiC aNd sTufF..iM rEaLLy tHAnkfuLL tHAt i gOT a cHAncE tO noE U..
i do..cherish u..i u still..wHen cAn wE eVer siNg aGaiN??thAt tiMe iN thE tRaiN..wE pUrpoSeLy sINg jiAo siA..thEn pPL LoOk aT uS..tHE tiME thAt wE wEnt tO fAr eAst i tHiNK..i wAnNA gO tHErE aGaiN..buT wiF mY bEst bRo..mY oNe aNd oNLy mALAy bRo..
maybe my love will come back someday..only heaven knows..tHE tiME thAt u toLd mE thAt u arE cHanGinG sKoOL..i jUZ feLt sO LoUsy iNsiDe..mY bEst bRo fRom sEc3..jUZ tHroWn aWaY jUZ LiKe tHAt..i feLt LiKE sHiT iNsiDe..u nOe wAt i meAn..not thAt i aTe mY shiT aNd thEn i cAn fEeL it..yA..u noE wAt i meAn..
Oh oh oh - mysterious girl..I wanna get close to you..Oh oh oh - mysterious girl..Move your body..Close to mine..Close to minei tHinK i wRotE eNoUgh fOr tOdAy..i tRy tO wRitE sOme tHiNG fOR u evEry mONtH..oKiE??wiLL miSs U..stAy sTroNg..yUpS..kEeP sMiLiNg yAhs??..=)
thAtS mY bRo..
(0= .:'._*.:+=aKu ciNtA kAu=+:.*_.':. =0)
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 3:40 am ]|[
wOw..its like centuaries that i haf blogged liao..haha..dumb..but..ya..that centuary has can start blogging again..i feel so bad to treat u like that..i dunno..i felt so bad juz so sorrie God..heLp mE pLs..thE fEeLiNg sUx oKiE..iVe gOt tHE pOiNt..yA..
haha..annette ask us to dO sOme pLaNniNg oF wAt wE gOinG to dO iN a 2 yeArs tiMe..first time that i didnt really write crap out on paper..haha..weird..and its almost half a page long already and i dont think that i haf even started..haha..iSnt that sO gReat??..had bBQ on LiKe tOtaLLy rOckEd mAN..wE kiNdA LiKe sEpErAteD iNtO tWo gRoUPs..the first batch cooked then the secOnd bAtCh..weLL..thE sEcoNd bAtCh consiSts oF the wHoLe BMc[biRd mAn cLuB]619 LeAdER aNd wiNd..dAmn mAN..wE haD a gReAt tiMe cOokiNg..aNd rE sTaRtiNg tHE fiRe..cOZ iT wAs LiKE thE pERsON wHo sTARteD tHE fiRE uSed uP aLL thE sTArteRs..LeAviNg juZ 3 piEcEs..thAt oNe stiLL oKIE..thEn thE fiRe wAs LiKE diEiNg..aNd wE wEre LiKe..wHO diD tHiS??piSsEd, wE wEnT tO hUNt fOr mOre cHarCoAL..buT diDnt..biLL mAnAgeD tO stARt tHE fiRe aGaiN..
wE oRdeReD LiKE sO mUch FooD..iN thE eND wE hAd tO stUff oUrseLvES wiF thE fOOd..ya..
aaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhSSSSSS!!!..haha..u aSk mE nOt tO cOPy U..haha..buT i cOPy LeH..haha..cOZ u wiLL LiKE nEvER eVer seE mY bLoG..sO hEcK!!haha..i cANt gO inTo tHE nOkiA fAntAsY LeAgUe aCcoUnt..tOo mAny mAnAgERs oNLiNe..duMb..i LiKE cAnnOt gEt iN lOrS..hAiz..i wAnNA sEe mY sCoRe..Dd..
gOnNa FiLm a sHoRT mOviE..thE pRodUctiONs tEaM..yA..haha..i pRay tHAT wE wiLL FiLm oUt oUr dReaM..yUp..haha..sO eXciTiNg mAn..aLL oTheR dEtaiLs iS uNdiScLoSeD..buT thiS iS a rUmOR..iT miGHt bE sHoWn dUriNg yoUtH aNni nExt might..and it miGHt nOt..yA..sO duNn aNyhow shOot uR moUth oFf!!..iM wArniNG U..aS iN iF u tHInk oF sAying..thE U iS jUZ aNy boDy lAh..nOt PURPOSELY TARGETTING SOMEONE loR..yA..sEriOuS..
hEyY..beLi..iF u evEr sEe mY bLoG..i wAnnA sAy sOrRiE..haLf wAy mSginG u trHen i feLL asLeEp..haHa..yA..cOz i sLepT aT 3 oN sAt..yA..cOz oF sOMe oNe lAh..buT thATs nOt tHE pOiNt..yA..sORriE..haha.fOrgiVe mE hOR..LifE iS sTartiNg tO piCk uP aGaiN..hAhA..wiF aLL the fUn iM hAviNg..iM sTArtiNg tO miSs sEc sKoOL dAys..yA..coZ iT's oSo sO fUn..haha..wOohOo..
yEsyEs iTS tRuEi vE foUnD thE sWeEteSt gEraNd thAt gER iS U!!=PhAHh..sO siANz..hhaAHh..dUn fEeL LikE sLeEpiNg bUt wAnNA sLeEp..tMr gOt dUmB LesSoNS..zZZZzzZZZzzZZzzZZzzzZZzZZZzZzzz..hAHA..
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 1:49 am ]|[
Sunday, August 07, 2005
hey mr wee! (:
this shall be your temporarily template.
hopefully,its to your liking.
God bless,
tha pretty girl whom Jesus loves
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 3:22 am ]|[
Friday, August 05, 2005
mY sOuRcE
hAvEn bLog fOr sOMe tiME LiaO..hAd cOmMoN tEst..noT tOo bAd..aNd nOt tOo gOoD eiThEr..i gOt a D, a C, a B aNd aN A+..yA..sO cRapPeD..aNywAy..gOiNg tO hAf oUr cHuRCh'S fiRsT sOcCer tOuRnAmEnt..wE hAd bEeN LiKE pLAyiNg fReNLee mAtChEs fOR aO LoNg..iTs aBOut tiMe tO sEe wHetHEr wE aRe gOoD eNoUgh tO pLAy aGaiNst oTher tEAms..i vERy sCarEd..cOz i hEArD sALeM cHapEL iS thE sTroNgEst tEAm..tHEy hAF bEeN LiKE wiNniNG tHiS tOurNaMENt fOR thE pAst 3 yEArS..[iN a rOW..]..sO iTs aBOut tiMe thAt thE tROpHy mOVeD iTs pOsiTiON..tO a pArtiCULar aSsEMbLy oF GOd cHuRch..gOt cHriStoPHer tO cOme dOWn tO pLaY fOr uS..aNd JeSpaL..aNd yi cOnG aNd tWo oF hiS fREnS..
aNywAy..sOmE pPL bUaY uS..buT nVm..fOR uR iNfO..i rEAcHed hOme aT 7.25..rUsHeD oUt tO tHE mEetiNG aT 7.40..thEN haD tHe mEetiNg tiLL bOUt 8.45..thEn i wALKeD hoMe aNd seTtLe sOMe sTufF boUt tHE tOuRnaMEnt..rEaChEd hOME aT 9.05..aND tHEn sEtTLE thE sTuFf..iM gLad thAt God sEnt mE a fREn caLL Zi cAi..haha..hE iS sO niCe..mAn uRe thE bESt..yA..haHa..tHAnkS..
hAiZ..sO sAd..wHen wiLL LiFe bE nOrmaL aGaiN LiKe LAst tiMe..wHen i wAs sO reLaXeD..eVeN wHiLe tAkiNg o LeVeLs..cRap..but iM LeArninG tO aDaPt tO tHiS nEw hECtiC LiFesTyLe..wHERe bY sLeEpiNg tiMe iS nOt fiXeD..aND wOrKLoaD cAn bE LiKe siAo..haha..wAteVA hapPeNs..i wiLL foLLow U..aLL dAy..nO pRoB..dUn fEeL LiKE bLoGgiNg Li4o..i wAnNA gO gET sOme rEst aNd rELaXaTioN..bYeByE=)..
u arE mY sOuRCe aND mY sALvAtioN...nOtHinG cOmpAreS tO u...eACh bREatH i tAKE i giVe mY aLL tO u...HoLy sPiRiT pOuR dOWn LiKE wAteR...iM huNgRy fOR uR tOuCh...eACh bREatH i tAKE i giVe mY aLL tO u...
the tEArS oF tHe -=[pUnK'DjEstEr]=- 3:00 pm ]|[